Friday, June 26, 2009

But He Said He Was Off Hunting Mountain Lion!!!

Edward Laments His Nature (Again)

"Not only am I grappling with my ancient sorrow, but now I discover that I cannot bend my knees."

"That's right. No knee bending. How the h-e-double hockey sticks will I be able to propose to Bella? I can only tilt forward thusly. Maybe I should go moon the Volturi at high noon after all."

Would it be Twi-sacriligious... turn other action figures into Twivamps and then let them loose into the world? I have a hankering to sprinkle glitter on Plastic Hatch and see what he gets up to.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Welcome to the STV blog!

Ok, I'm a glutton for punishment. I love blogs, I love making websites, and I just could not let STV stay on the fringes of knowing with our Facebook fan page (although we have to keep that, too!). Oh, no. We needed a blog. Hehe.

So...I'll let the others take over and report on where Edward is, what he's up to, and where he's headed next...